
2019 RESOLUTIONS: Three Ways to Secure Superior Protection

It’s still November, but every substation operator wants to reduce (or eliminate) outages from year to year. The way to achieve that goal: start planning for 2019 … right now. Here are a few resolutions for dramatically reducing the threat of animal incursion:

IDENTIFY PROBLEM SUBSTATIONS   Had any animal outages this year? Experienced changing conditions, like overgrowth or signs of animal activity? Survey each substation to identify problems … before they become outages.

SCHEDULE A SITE AUDIT    Get a professional, in-person inspection from TransGard. Our complimentary Site Audit a topographical and environmental review and recommendations.

GET AN ESTIMATE    Use our online form to get an estimate for proven protection against climbing animals. It’s easy, and only takes two minutes. We’ll email you a custom quote for your substation.

For your complimentary Site Audit or Estimate, complete the appropriate form in our Contact section.


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NEW: ValuGard - the substation protection solution for municipalities. CLICK HERE for more information.