
NEWS: TransGard to exhibit “most effective barrier” at IEEE T&D EXPO

N E W S   R E L E A S E


(YORK, Pa.) — TransGard, manufacturer of the only fence that deters climbing animals by delivering a mild electric shock, will exhibit components the system at the 2018 IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference & Expo. The show runs April 17-19 in Denver.

The TransGard fence addresses a significant problem:  substation incursion by climbing animals like squirrels, raccoons and snakes. Each year, these invaders cause outages at hundreds of substations, costing millions of dollars in repair costs, lost revenue and reputation management.

TransGard’s display at Booth #3425 will include key parts of the fencing system, including:

  • Main entryway   The primary, non-electrified access point to the substation that includes the system’s control center.
  • Control center   The “brain” of the fence, containing an LED alert strobe that communicates system function, digital volt meter that indicates the system voltage, power controls and more.
  • Snake guards and panels   Specially designed fence sections to prevent incursion of snakes as small as ¼” in diameter.

In addition to inspecting TransGard’s fencing system, visitors to the TransGard booth will be registered to win an Altair 818 Hornet FPV Camera Drone, which will be awarded after the close of the show.

“IEEE has referred to our system as the most effective barrier against animal incursion,” says TransGard president Bill Reichard. “At the conference, we’ll demonstrate how simple it can be to add this proven protection to a substation in just a few hours, using basic tools.”

For information on TransGard, visit Booth #3425 at the Expo, or go to

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TransGard, based in York, Pennsylvania, delivers patented fencing exclusively engineered to eliminate substation outages caused by climbing animals. TransGard has installed fences at more than 3,000 substations in the U.S. and Canada. For information or to view case studies, visit

NEW: ValuGard - the substation protection solution for municipalities. CLICK HERE for more information.